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Oct 18, 20245 min read
Homo Luminous
It’s been quite a while since last connecting with you. I've not sent out a newsletter nor done a video since 'The Three Days of...
Dec 6, 20232 min read
Joy - An Essential Element of the Spiritual Path
If I were to 'bottom line' the spiritual path it is to 'follow the path of joy'. Work out what it is that brings you joy and do it!
May 13, 20232 min read
Anxiety and Dealing with It
I am four days into a digital marketing course. Part of the course involves creating products to incorporate into your marketing...
May 13, 20232 min read
Hacking the Matrix
Now. I am not a scientist so this will be a lay person’s interpretation… Quantum Mechanics says that we as the observer are continually...
May 13, 20233 min read can't stand Donald Trump?
You either love him or hate him, but from my perspective - an evolutionary perspective - there is something great to be learned from him.
May 13, 20233 min read
Keanu Reeves
When I commenced study at the RSE I was introduced to the concept that what we thought of as reality was not the be all and end all; that...
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