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Homo Luminous

It’s been quite a while since last connecting with you. I've not sent out a newsletter nor done a video since 'The Three Days of Darkness' (I'll link it below, in case you haven't seen it).

I’ve been in a place of integrating a huge shift and the energies are a bit overwhelming. When I’m able, I’ll be doing another video(s) to explain this, but until then this is what I’ve got:


The seeds of this shift began years ago when ‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus’ was published. At this stage I was not yet on the path as an Inner Child Healer. I read the book but could never go back to it again and never referred to it again and it wasn’t until years later that I understood why.


John Gray was defining a fairly accurate description of the differences between how men and women navigated this world and their relationships. To me this was simply a book about how to successfully navigate relationships within the boundaries of the programming or conditioning of humanity. And, apologies, I don’t remember if he offered a way forward to learn to live beyond those boundaries.


Since my late 20s  I’ve been interested in understanding the human condition, and during the past 15 years, it has mostly been via the Inner Child (shadow) programing or conditioning.  I’ve done a deep dive into understanding the auto pilot that the majority of the realm’s been hooked into, and, I have by degrees been letting that programming go. The phrase ‘how do you know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve come from’ is at the foundation of my work.


But I’ve recently moved more into the ‘letting go’.  Moving into a phase of less analysis is something I believe is a natural progression that will happen in each person’s own best timing.  In this place you don't :

  • discuss

  • analyze

  • interpret

  • justify

  • resist

  • or try to understand why the challenge is arising.

You simply feel the feelings, allow them to be there and then:


Drop them, let them dissolve.


This came to a head at a recent lecture I went to covering the Enneagram system. A friend who is really into it thought I might find it interesting. And it was. The Enneagram of Personality Types is a modern synthesis of a number of ancient wisdom traditions, but is generally attributed to Gurdjieff. It is based on the idea that there are 9 basic personality types that all humans can be categorized into.


It was during this lecture I flashed back to the John Gray book. I realised that the Enneagram system, as described by this particular presenter, was considered a fixed state - that you were born with a certain personality type and in understanding your personality type and those around you, you could better navigate your relationships.  When I asked the presenter if she could change her way of being, her way of navigating, she shrugged as if it was a foregone conclusion. Her response was what triggered the memory of John Gray’s book.


As I let these thoughts sink in over the next few days, I began to wonder what other systems allowed us to navigate our world within the boundaries of a defined box. Astrology? Myers Briggs? The Disc system? And even the Inner Child analysis?


Let me pull out to a big picture perspective for a moment.


We are in what is described as 3D, a world anchored in duality and have been reincarnating here for a while. In this place we have been continually defining and navigating ‘the now’ through the lens of our past experiences. But where we are evolving to - Homo Luminous - is very different to who we have been and I don’t think we can really imagine what that state of existence will be like.


From my perspective we will be leaving behind the identities of the past. All those systems I mentioned above, along with even an internal analysis originated from within the energy of 3D and just keeps us in the energy of the past - recycling over and over. Don't get me wrong - to understand what makes you tick is an important step (and I'd say a great deal of humanity still needs to take this step) but as we continue to evolve we begin to align more and more with who we truly are and what comes next is really an unknown.


Imagine a sheet of paper with a small dot in the centre. The small dot represents the program - the perspectives or filter we view our life through; the emotions we live in repeatedly,  the ins and outs and ups and downs, the scenarios we encounter, the interactions we have. We live with our nose pressed up against this dot. It becomes our entire focus.


And by making this dot our entire focus we are recreating or reinforcing the dot’s existence and thus influence on our life.


But who we are in actuality is the ‘entire piece of paper’ and the rest of the paper and beyond is the part of ourselves that we’ve forgotten and in a way disconnected from. And, more importantly, the ‘rest of the paper’ is infinite, eternal and without beginning or end.


As I read over this post again, my words seem quite dry, but this realization, this shift, is incredibly profound. For when we pull back from the dot, activate the observer and simply let go of each trigger, each emotional re-action, each want, should and must, layer by layer, the mind becomes quiet and still. We automatically begin to expand our awareness to encompass the infinity of who we are. As we move though this world anchored in the greater I AM a totally different world begins to unfold as the energy we are emitting is no longer predominantly from the ‘dot’, but from a place of infinite possibilities. We enter the flow.


The mind or ego which has been in control for eons takes a back seat and we begin to allow something deeper within us to emanate and thus the world. unfolds in resonance with that.

So I urge you to just try dropping the emotions along with the energy at the core of those emotion for the next couple of days. Resist travelling the route of the bullet points I mention above and see if you can become aware of the still, silent greater aspect of you that's been waiting within all along.

Much love to all.


This is my most recent video:

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